Xirui Li

I am actively looking for a Ph.D. position starting in fall 2025.

I am a Master student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, beginning in fall 2022, working in the AI Institute. I am advised by Prof. Chao Ma. Previously, I received my Bachelor degree in Computer Science from SJTU.

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I'm interested in computer vision, generative AI. I mainly focus on diffusion-based image and video generation.

project image

UniCon: A Simple Approach to Unifying Diffusion-based Conditional Generation

Xirui Li, Charles Herrmann, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Yinxiao Li, Deqing Sun, Chao Ma, Ming-Hsuan Yang
ICLR, 2025.
arxiv / project page /

A simple, unified framework to handle diverse conditional generation tasks involving a specific image-condition correlation in one diffusion model.

VidToMe: Video Token Merging for Zero-Shot Video Editing

Xirui Li, Chao Ma, Xiaokang Yang, Ming-Hsuan Yang
CVPR, 2024.
arxiv / project page / code /

A zero-shot video editing method utilizing a pretrained image diffusion model. The key idea is to enforce video temporal consistency by merging self-attention tokens across frames.

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Frame Fusion with Vehicle Motion Prediction for 3D Object Detection

Xirui Li, Feng Wang, Naiyan Wang, Chao Ma
ICRA, 2024.
arxiv /

A detection enhancement method which improves 3D object detection results by forwarding and fusing history detection results.

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